s Legal world: Twittering Tax Pros

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Twittering Tax Pros

The fabulous Wendy Piersall (now of sparkplugging.com in case you missed the re-branding announcement) posted a list today of Twitter Moms (the list is here - check it out).

I’ll confess. I’m a Twitter-freak. I do enjoy trying to sum up my day in 140 characters or less - it helps me clear out the cobwebs. Yes, there’s a joke in there somewhere that involves Paris, a Peugeot 205 and a crazy law student - but that’s for another day…

But back to the list… I’ll warn you about Twitter upfront. It’s addictive. Waaay addictive. But it’s also cool.
If you’re ready to take the first step and say, “I’m a tax professional and I love to Twitter,” let me know. I’m going to compile a list of Twittering Tax Pros.

Here’s the list so far:
lawmummy - my personal Tweet

taxgirl - my feed (oh yeah, you can read feeds via Twitter)










I tried to filter out the Twitter-spammers (who knew?) and the folks who never update. But if you don’t fit either description and you’re a Twittering Tax Pro, let me know and I’ll add you to the list! Just leave a note below in the comments with your Twitter ID.

Trackback : http://www.taxgirl.com/


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