s Legal world: UK going green ?

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Friday, March 14, 2008

UK going green ?

UK going green?
You might think so. Since we’ve been here, we’ve been inundated with organic produce and eco-renovation television programming - my son is even using environmentally friendly diaper wipes.
What else is going green? UK tax policy.
The Chancellor has introduced a new budget which includes a substantial tax on higher carbon emitting vehicles. A new Range Rover, which is included in the highest category, can now result in a tax increase in the first year of nearly 1000 pounds (sadly, with the exchange rate, is equal to $2000).
The idea is to provide a disincentive for the average taxpayer to buy an inefficient vehicle. Unlike the 3p increase in beer prices, this kind of increase is likely to make a difference in taxpayer behavior.
Smart policy or destined to be a problem?


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